
$40.75 paycheck received!!!

Click SurveySavvy to join!

Lies in the mail box the shining check, $40.75.
I accumulated another $17 since I request my last check. I have not worked on the surveys from surveysavvy for couple of weeks, just because I want make sure that I can receive their payment. Now the payment is confirmed, and I will continue working on their surveys. $$$ really accumulate very fast there. Let's rock!


pay check is on the way

Click SurveySavvy to join!

It really takes 4-6 weeks to send out the pay check, as in the FAQ of the website. It is a long time. I asked the pay check status yesterday through their online form, and got replied that they have confirmed the pay check and is sending out!

I have also accumulated dozen dollars last month. Hope it can grow fast!

1. Click SurveySavvy.
2. Sign up for free and complete your profile with as much as possible details (The number of survey you receive depends on your profile).
3. Wait a couple days until you get your first paid survey invitation in your email box.
4. Do it and get paid!

Some other survey websites I'm exploring

Click InboxDollars to join!

After checked several survey ranking websites, I decide to join InboxDollars. It provides a lot ways for you to earn money, such as reading email, signing up websites, doing survey, etc. And it has $5 sign on bonus. You can either click InboxDollars or the big green ads banner on the right to join.

Request my first payment from surveysavvy

Click SurveySavvy to join!

I've just requested my first payment from surveysavvy. Well, not too much but I'm gonna buy me an mp3. Hope I can get more from this fantastic paid survey website.
If you wanna earn some small money doing survey, follow the below instructions to join surveysavvy.

1. Click SurveySavvy.
2. Sign up for free and complete your profile with as much as possible details (The number of survey you receive depends on your profile).
3. Wait a couple days until you get your first paid survey invitation in your email box.
4. Do it and get paid!


$5 survey!

Click SurveySavvy to join!

It is about everything in your life from body wash to iphone. Easily finished in 30 minutes.
Click SurveySavvy to join.

1. Click SurveySavvy.
2. Sign up for free and complete your profile with as much as possible details (The number of survey you receive depends on your profile).
3. Wait a couple days until you get your first paid survey invitation in your email box.
4. Do it and get paid!

I have been tried several survey website and this one is fairly good. You can get 3 or more surveys per week, and each worth 2 or more bucks if you successfully finish it. Sometimes you will find that you go half way of the survey and get kicked out because you are not qualified. It mostly happens when you are doing your background check questions, and they find you are not qualified for the survey. I was kicked-out for two thirds of the survey at beginning, but now I can finish and get paid for most of the survey I received.

Also, most surveys can be finished in 15 minutes.

Well 7 to 20 bucks per week cannot make you rich, or even feed you. But it is some dimes and quarters you can easily get online, for paying just less than an hour per week.


A $2 survey

Click SurveySavvy to join!

A $2 survey about cigarettes alternatives: snus. Seems cigarettes producers begins to prepare for the non-smoking era.
Click SurveySavvy to join.


Another $1 survey

Click SurveySavvy to join!

Finish in about 15 minutes. The price does not worth the time, but the content of the survey is really fun. It's all about the new features going to be integrated in Bing, such as shopping, video, gaming, etc. And I really look forward to try those new features when Bing finishs developing them.

Click SurveySavvy to join.